Colombian Four-eyed Frog
Pleurodema brachyops

The Colombian Four-eyed Frog (Pleurodema brachyops) is a small chubby "toad-like" frog found from Central Panama down into Colombia, Venezuela and across the northern part of the Guyanan Shield.  

range map derived from (2024)

Although they look somewhat similar to the Spadefoots of North America, they are actually more closely related to the widespread South and Central American "White-lipped Frogs" (Leptodactylidae).

They get their common name four-eyed from from an unusual defensive behavior.  When threatened, they point their broad nose down, raising their hind legs and show enlarged "eye-spots" on the rear of their torso to the prospective predator.   It is assumed the eye spots contrasting with the bright red thighs attract the attention of a predator, making the predator think they are a much larger animal.  Here's a photo of the posterior side of a calling frog showing the contrasting dark spots on the rear of the body. 

Photo by Miguel Diaz Anaya
used under Creative Commons License granted in this iNaturalist record.

The call of the Colombian Four-eyed Frog is a nasal honking sound.  The calls are made from shallow puddles in grassy areas after rains.

Colombian Four-eyed Frog calls

As I was trying to record this Four-eyed Frog calling, a couple of other species were calling next to it making it hard to isolate the target species.   You can hear the honking of the four-eyed frogs along with the "ray-gun peuw" calls of the Tungara Frog (Engystomops pustulosus) and the loud trill of the Panamanian Granular Toad (Rhinella centralis).

Colombian Four-eyed Frog and friends

© Chris Harrison 2024

iNaturalist available at  Accessed August 12, 2024.

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