Tatayo's Glass Frog
Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi

Tatayo's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi) is a small Centrolenid Frog that lives in the tropical lowland forests from southernmost Costa Rica, down through Panama and into NW Venezuela, and western Colombia and Ecuador.

range map from iNaturalist.org

The call of the Tatayo's Glass Frog is best described as a single sharp "peep" repeated every five seconds or so. When slowed down, it sounds a bit more like a "wrree", although that discrimination is difficult in a recording. Like other Hyalinobatrachium, the call is high pitched with a carrier frequency of around 4.6-4.8 kHz.  

We usually found the calling, sitting upright on a broad leaf overhanging a stream, sometimes quite high over the stream.  At close range the call is very piercing and I found it hard to record them because they overpowered (clipped) my microphones in spite of using 32bit float recorder.  (In hindsight, I should have backed off a bit - DOH!)

The spectrogram of this call is unremarkable, showing a short, sharp percussive call at around 4.7 kHz.  It has a short "arm" after the main call, but I can't hear that in the recording, even when slowed down.

Call of Tatayo's Glass Frog from Anton Valley, Panama

© Chris Harrison 2024

iNaturalist. https://www.inaturalist.org/. Accessed August 24, 2024

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