Emerald Glass Frog
Espadarana prosoblepon

The Emerald Glass Frog (Espadarana prosoblepon) is a small Centrolenid frog found in Central America and northwestern South America (west of the Andes).

map taken from iNaturalist

We found a number of these frogs calling in a wet forested areas by a large waterfall.   The frogs were calling from high in the trees, well above the water.   While we heard quite a number of them, we were only able to find a single individual we could reach.

The call is a high pitched, rapid series of  "dik, dik, dik, dik" or "pip, pip, pip, pip" notes usually repeated three times in succession.   For the following recording, I had to edit out some of the intervening space as well as filtering heavily so they could be heard over the waterfall.

Emerald Glass Frog calls

Here's a longer recording with a bit more of the background noise but accentuating the spacing between the calls of different individuals.

Longer Emerald Glass Frog chorus

© Chris Harrison 2024

iNaturalist.  https://www.inaturalist.org/. Accessed August 24, 2024

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