Rainforest Rocket Frog
Silverstoneia flotator


The Rainforest Rocket Frog (Silverstoneia flotator) is a tiny striped dart frog from Central America.  They are found on rainforest leaf litter in Costa Rica and Panama.   

On my first trip to Panama (20 years ago), we found lots of these little frogs hopping around the forest leaf litter.   We probably heard them as well, but I hadn't started recording frogs yet.   This latest trip, I heard LOTS of them but never could find one.

Like other small dart frogs, males are often found hopping around on the forest floor, transporting their tadpoles on their back.

map derived from iNaturalist.org

Typical of the dart frogs, these frogs call during the day, particularly after rain.  The call of this species is a rapid series of high-pitched metallic "tink" calls repeated seemingly continually.   It is one of the constant background sounds of the rainforests in this region. 

This recording was made in the Soberania National Park in Panama.

Rainforest Rocket Frog calls


© Chris Harrison 2024

iNaturalist. http://www.inaturalist.org/. Accessed August 13, 2024

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