Sabinal Frog
Leptodactylus melanonotus

I had originally had this frog and these calls identified as Leptodactylus poecilichilus in the field by a local "expert", but upon getting back and uploading the photos and to iNaturalist, another expert corrected the identification of the calls.   That made me go back and reexamine the photo above as well, and I think I agree that these are/were Leptodactylus melanonotus.

So I lose a lifer.  Sometimes learning and trying to capture frog call recordings for areas outside of the US can be a frustrating experience!

I recorded this loud chorus at the pond on our hotel grounds at Canopy Lodge in Anton Valley, Panama.

Sabinal Frog calls

© Chris Harrison 2024

iNaturalist. accessed on August 15, 2024

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