Vicente's Poison Frog
Oophaga vicentei

Vicente's Poison Frog (Oophaga vicentei)
Photo by Jan Meerman
used under Creative Commons License granted through this iNaturalist record

Vicente's Poison Frog (Oophaga vicentei) is a small polytypic Dendrobatid frog endemic to Central Panama. It can be solid red, red with black reticulations or spots, green with polka dots, or some mixture of the above. They are threatened by collection for the pet trade.

map taken from range map

 This species is the Panamanian endemic sister to the more widespread Strawberry Poison Frog (Oophaga pumilio).

We heard these Vicente's Poison Frogs calling from high in the trees, probably in bromeliads in some cloud forest type habitat in the Anton Valley, Panama.    We never saw the frogs, but the calls were identified by a local frog expert.

The call of this species is a rasping, dry insect-like call that permeates the forest after rains.   They have an almost "sleigh bell" like quality to the calls when they get in sync.

Oophaga vicentei calling

© Chris Harrison 2024

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