June 2024 additions from Panama

Tatayo's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi)

Spent a couple of weeks in Panama during the summer of 2024. I went on the Canopy Family Herpetology at the Isthmus tour, which was great. Of the 33 species of anurans we encountered, I was able to record 22+ species. Of those, at least 14+ species were new to my recording lifelist including:

Panamanian Granular Toad (Rhinella centralis)
Columbian Four-eyed Frog (Pleurodema brachyops)
Striped Rocket Frog (Allobates talamancae)
Tatayo's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi)
Emerald Glass Frog (Espadarana prosoblepon
Vicente's Poison Frog (Oophaga vicente) - awaiting conformation
Rainforest Rocket Frog (Silverstoneia flotator)
Poison Frog species (Colostethus species - still working on an ID)
Turbo White-lipped Frog (Leptodactylus poecilochilus)
Spotted Foam-nest Frog (Leptodactylus insularum)
Slim-fingered Rainfrog (Craugastor crassidigitus)
Banded Robber Frog (Pristimantis taeniatus)
Panamanian Snouted Treefrog (Scinax altae)
Panama Humming Frog (Elachistocleis panamensis)
and maybe a new Tink Frog species (Diasporus sp.) - still working on identifying these!

I also added new recordings of some species I had already recorded, including:

Granular Glass Frog (Cochranella granulosa)
Rosenberg's Gladiator Frog (Boana rosenbergi)
Harlequin Treefrog (Dendropsophus ebraccatus)
Yellow Treefrog (Dendropsophus microcephalus)
Mexican White-lipped Frog (Leptodactylus fragilis)
Northern Smokey Jungle Frog (Leptodactylus savagei)
Tink Frog (Diasporus diastema)
TĂșngara Frog (Engystomops pustulosus)


Over the next few weeks, I will be working on getting these new entries online.


So my recording lifelist is now at 128 species, in 44 genera, and 15 families.

Family Genus Species recorded

Anaxyrus 9

Incilius 3

Rhinella 3


Acris 3

Boana 2

Dendropsophus 2

Hyla 8

Pseudacris 6

Osteopilus 1

Scinax 4

Smilisca 2

Triprion 1


Litoria 9

Nyctimystes 1

Ranoidea 8


Austrochaperina 2

Elaschistocleis 1

Hypopachus 1

Gastrophryne 2


Crinia 2

Limnodynastes 1

Platyplectrum 1

Uperoleia 2


Craugastor 3

Pristimantis 2


Diasporus 1

Eleutherodactylus 9


Espadarana 1

Hyalinobatrachium 4

Cochranella 1

Teratohyla 1


Leptodactylus 8

Engystomops 1

Pleurodema 1


Lithobates 9


Colostethus 1

Oophaga 2

Silverstonia 1


Flectonotus 1


Allobates 1

Mannophryne 2


Rhinophrynus 1


Scaphiopus 2

Spea 2

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